DOI:Ключові слова:
oat β-glucans, yogurt, property, fortificationАнотація
. Yogurt has many beneficial influences on human health, including therapeutic, nutritional, probiotic effects, etc. There has been an increasing interest in fortification of yogurt with different kinds of ingredients to further improve added nutrMetrics
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Hayaloglu, Ali, Adnan, Dagdemir, Elif, & Boran, et al. (2017). The effect of pumpkin fibre on quality and storage stability of reduced-fat set-type yogurt. International Journal of Food ence and Technology, 52(1), pp.180-187.
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Moriartey, S., Temelli, F. , & Vasanthan, T. . (2010). Effect of formulation and processing treatments on viscosity and solubility of extractable barley β-glucan in bread dough evaluated under in vitro conditions. Cereal Chemistry, 87(1), pp.65-72.
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Marta, Guzmán-González, Federico, Morais, and, & Lourdes, et al. (2000). Influence of skimmed milk concentrate replacement by dry dairy products in a low-fat set-type yoghurt model system. use of caseinates, co-precipitate and blended dairy powders. Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture. 80(4), pp. 433-438.
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Kontogiorgos, V., Ritzoulis, C. , Biliaderis, C. G. , & Kasapis, S. . (2006). Effect of barley β-glucan concentration on the microstructural and mechanical behaviour of acid-set sodium caseinate gels. Food Hydrocolloids, 20(5), pp.749-756.
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Gerhard, D. , Mario, H. , Erich, G. , & Wilhelm, F. . (0). Dietary fiber-rich barley products beneficially affect the intestinal tract of rats. Journal of Nutrition, 132(12), pp.3704-3714.
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Snart, J., Bibiloni, R., Grayson, T. , Lay, C. , Zhang, H. , & Allison, G. E. , et al. (2006). Supplementation of the diet with high-viscosity beta-glucan results in enrichment for lactobacilli in the rat cecum. Applied & Environmental Microbiology, 72(3), pp.1925-1931.
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Gee, V. L., Vasanthan, T., & Temelli, F.. (2007). Viscosity of model yogurt systems enriched with barley β-glucan as influenced by starter cultures. International Dairy Journal, 17(9), pp.1083-1088.
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Vasiljevic, T., Kealy, T., & Mishra, V. K.. (2007). Effects of β‐glucan addition to a probiotic containing yogurt. Journal of Food Science, 72(7), pp. C405-11.
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Rosburg, V., Boylston, T., & White, P.. (2010). Viability of bifidobacteria strains in yogurt with added oat beta-glucan and corn starch during cold storage. Journal of Food ence, 75(5), pp.C439-C444.
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Ozcan, T., & Kurtuldu, O.. (2014). Influence of dietary fiber addition on the properties of probiotic yogurt. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, 5(5), pp.397-401.
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Brennan, C. S., & Tudorica, C. M.. (2010). Carbohydrate-based fat replacers in the modification of the rheological, textural and sensory quality of yoghurt: comparative study of the utilisation of barley beta-glucan, guar gum and inulin. International Journal of Food ence & Technology, 43(5), pp.824-833.
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Singh, M., Kim, S., & Liu, S. X.. (2012). Effect of purified oat β‐glucan on fermentation of set‐style yogurt mix*. Journal of Food ence, 77(8), pp. E195-E201.
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Lazaridou, A., Serafeimidou, A., Biliaderis, C. G., Moschakis, T., & Tzanetakis, N.. (2014). Structure development and acidification kinetics in fermented milk containing oat β-glucan, a yogurt culture and a probiotic strain. Food Hydrocolloids, 39(aug.), pp.204-214.
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2014.01.015
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